Saturday, May 19, 2012

HON Guide Aluna

Hon Guide Aluna, Item & Strategy. Aluna adalah hero  Intelligence di Heroes of Newerth . Nah kalau di kamu sering bermain Dota, hero ini adalah transfer Aleria Windrunner yang sering di build jady Agility. Di early game terkadang memang susah untuk membunuh lawan. Di Hon, dia dianggap sebagai celebritis, beautiful and sprites atau cantik dan bersemangat. wkkwkw, . Dia termasuk hero yang sulit, jadi kamu butuh latihan dan sering  memainkan hero ini, biar gak dianggap copo. Dia mempunyai skill yang terbilang tidak gampang. Kamu harus punya feeling akurasi yang baik. Emerald Lightning, Power Throw, Deja Vu, Emerald Red. Semua skillnya aktif, jadi akan sedikit menyulitkanmu.

A. Skill Aluna
1. Emerald Lighting
Skill ini meluncur dan membuat kecepatan target menjadi berkurang, dan lawan juga terkena stun. Emerald Lighting / Sambaran petir.
Lightning bounces between enemy units, hitting 2/3/3/4 targets.
Stuns for 1 second + 0.5 per bounce and  bounces to the closest unit. Can only hit each unit once. Steals 14/17/20/23 Attack Speed from each unit for 5 seconds.

2. Power Throw
Panah tunggal yang kamu luncurkan ke target, Untuk skill yang ini, butuh akurasi yang tepat. deals 140/210/280/350 initial damage and 10% reduced damage per enemy unit hit. It has a 125 touch radius and kills trees in a 65 touch radius. Vision will linger for 3 seconds, revealing an 800 AoE.
3. De Javu

You set a return point at your current position, run a little, send back on your trail a shadow and finally teleport to it. The 3 activation points:

Button 1: Gains 25/30/35/40% movespeed for 3/3.5/4/4.5 seconds.
Button 2: Sends a shadow back along the path you took from activation for 3/3.5/4/4.5 seconds.
Button 3: Teleport your hero to shadow’s location
4. Emerald Red

Each charge gives 1 of your other skills bonus effects. Activation gives you 10 seconds to use all available charges. Maximum of 1/2/3 charges. You will gain a charge every 60/50/40 seconds. Activation will use up all charges. Your next ability is powered up!

As skill descriptions said it, use your ultimate to boost your other skills. For now the best use is to get global Power throw. The 2x stun is unreliable so you will not benefit much but another good use could be for the slow on Deja Vu, but you will “waste” an ultimate.

B. Aluna Skill Bulid

C. Aluna Item Guide
1. Starting Item :1xMana Battery 2x Minor Totems, 1x Health Potion

2. Early Game: 1x Blood Chalice+ 1x Steam Boots INT

3. Mid game: 1 x NullStone + 1x Charged Hammer
4. Late Game: 1 x Savage Mace

D. Game Strategy
Comming Soon HON Guide Aluna . Thank's sudah mampir di blog hon guide Indonesia .